Steampunk Concept Art – A Short List
Inspiration comes in many forms. The beauty of steampunk resides in its versatile nature, in the way it offers so many elements that keep merging and transforming, ultimately converging into amazing pieces of art. Be it books, illustrations or music, steampunk comes into a multitude of universes of breathtaking creativity.
I have always had a fascination for steampunk concept art. While working on my steampunk novel, I used to spend a lot of time just looking at the amazing works of talented illustrators. There are a lot of wonderful artists and works out there, and, unfortunately, from share to share, the names and copyright are at some point lost. This is one the things I hate the most when it comes to these amazing illustrations. So, I tried to compile a list of my personal favorites of everything I’ve researched so far in terms of steampunk conceptual art, with names and websites (in no particular order).
Vadim Voitekhovitch

One of the most original and talented steampunk artists I know of. His universe has a unique aesthetics, translated into strange, yet captivating imagery. The color tones, the shapes of the objects, and the overall atmosphere challenges imagination to put a story behind that entire world. You can also follow the artist on Facebook for more updates.
Didier Graffet

French artist Didier Gaffet is another excellent example of what an amazing creativity outlet is steampunk. Real cities altered in steampunk fashion, driven by steam technology. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find his official website (the page does not exist anymore), but you can see some of his incredible works in this article and also in this one.
Su Jeong Ahn

One of my absolute favorite steampunk illustrations, Steampunk Airship Station, comes from the Korean artist Su Jeong Ahn. I love the details and the immersive atmosphere. The people in motion, the vehicles, the landscape – the picture is so vivid that it’s easy to imagine it’s real. It’s the kind of work that simply drags you in it.
Oguzhan Kar

His steampunk cityscapes are breathtaking. Architecture, airships, balloons, cogs, cars – everything is in there, and you can even take a virtual walk in that universe. I particularly love how his steampunk cities are depicted in various times of day, from daylight to foggy dusk.
Stanislav Vovchuk

If I’d ever have a workshop, I would definitely want it like this one, created by Stanislav Vovchuk following an original concept by nydia ni. Simply stunning.
Giovani Magana

Another source of amazing indoor and outdoor steampunk landscapes is Giovani’s art. Check his blog for some wonderful illustrations, with amazing level of detail.
Min Guen

If you like airships, then you’ll certainly love the ones conceptualized by Min Guen, which offer exquisite details, and atmospheric surroundings.
Mike SavaD

Another artist I like a lot is Mike Savad, whose steampunk illustrations offer an insane level of detail. Check his website for more amazing works.
Of course, my list is a very short one as compared to how many talented steampunk artists are out there. It only reflects my personal preferences. I love these artists, and they are a huge inspiration source to me. And I’m always happy to hear other recommendations as well.
DISCLAIMER: all pictures in this post are copyright of their respective authors and are posted here solely for promotion purposes.
Post cover image: copyright Su Jeong Ahn